Via DC Statehood Greens
(From Muhammed Malik of the Florida Green Party)
Watch this clip! Desmond Meade, President of FRRC and civil rights leader, speaking at #Occupy Ft Lauderdale yesterday! "WE HAVE NOT OVERCOME" -
Remembering King...
Family! As you spend some time with your family remembering the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., we hoped to help you reflect by replaying our segment from last week. Listen to the words of Dr. Paul Ortiz (University of Florida), Vjiay Prashad (Trinity College), Jill Hanson (Civil Rights Attorney), Robert Rooks (NAACP), Donald Anthonyson (Families For Freedom), and Marleine Bastien (FANM).
You can listen to our segment/tribute to MLK by downloading it here
Dr. Paul Ortiz-"He would be embarassed, ashamed, and appalled at the state of human rights and civil rights that currently exist in this country."
"Dr. King...was saying[in his book Chaos or Community] 'let's open a dialogue about changing this economic system.'"
"It's almost as if people want to think about Martin Luther King day but don't want to read his own words."
"The March on Washington in 1963 was seen by the Kennedy Administration as a revolutionary action."
Vijay Prashad-"From when I came to the United States, I had never thought that Martin Luther King had been assassinated because his legacy, his meaning, everything he stood for seemed alive and well..."
"Just before he was assassinated he planned to create a city in Washington DC... where people who believed in the cause of ending poverty were going to create an occupation..."
"The most misunderstood piece of Martin Luther King's legacy is that he...was trying to create a society where race doesn't matter."
Jill Hanson-"I was about 12 or 13 when I first heard about him...I was a Catholic...he seemed to be really living the faith that I was taught."
"Today I think that he is equally relevant to the immigrant rights have a lot of very powerless people that have no other tools at their disposal, except for moral power."
"Today many people revere him and honor we tend to forget that in his time he was very often despised...towards the end of his life he felt very depressed by the fact that he felt he hadn't made any we have to look at the long term of our actions and believe that someday "we will overcome."
Robert Rooks-"Before he was killed he was working on a sermon titled 'Why America may go to hell...'he had a more darker view of America."
"King had strong views...that I don't think we've totally unpacked as a nation and why I think we continue to do the things we do now."
Marleine Bastien (not played on show)-"King would be turning in his grave."
Donald Anthonyson-"We definitely don't need another Martin but we need more than one Martin...not only nationwide but globally..."
Enjoy your MLK day and don't forget to tune into our show every Wednesday at 7pm est.
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